Tell Keep Scotland Beautiful's CEO to end its partnership with BAE Systems!

Keep Scotland Beautiful is a primarily Scottish government-funded environmental charity that currently has a funding partnership with BAE Systems for their campaign 'Upstream Battle' which aims to 'tackle marine litter from source to sea'. Over the last year, BAE Systems have sponsored community clean up hubs around Glasgow and plan to work with Keep Scotland Beautiful to provide support and resources for teachers and children in 2022.

BAE Systems plaster their name on community cleaning projects yet simultaneously and silently export billions of pounds of weapons fuelling conflict and repression around the world, as seen in the humanitarian crisis currently happening in Yemen. CAAT is working to demand an end to this deadly partnership which allows BAE Systems to gloss over the human rights abuses they facilitate and to present themselves as a legitimate business.

Write to Keep Scotland Beautiful's CEO Barry Fisher and urge him to #DropBAE
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