Stop Arming Saudi - Email your MP

On 31st January, CAAT is taking the government back to court! The government will face a judicial review into its decision to continue to allow arms sales to Saudi Arabia despite overwhelming evidence of serious violations of international humanitarian law in Yemen. 

Saudi-led Coalition bombardments of Yemen have killed at least 8,983 civilians, and have contributed to a devastating humanitarian disaster in the country. 

Over half of Saudi Arabia’s combat aircraft used for the bombing raids are UK-supplied.

UK-made equipment used includes: Typhoon and Tornado aircraft, Paveway bombs and Brimstone and Stormshadow missiles. In total the UK has supplied at least £23 billion worth of arms to the Coalition. 

The UK government must be held accountable for their actions.

Despite a previous Court of Appeal ruling in CAAT’s favour - which found that the government’s licensing decisions on arms to Saudi Arabia were ‘irrational and therefore unlawful’ - the UK government continues to export arms for use in Yemen. 

Email your MP now to demand they take action in Parliament and speak out.  

Add your postcode in the box below, and send a message to your MP using the template on the next page.